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Mitchell Article

Impact of Drug Formularies on Workers' Compensation State Laws

February 28, 2018

Interest in drug formularies has grown significantly in the past few years, coinciding with a greater concern over the opioid crisis. Texas and Ohio were pioneering states in the creation of drug formularies and several states have followed suit recently. Oklahoma, Washington, Ohio, Tennessee, California, Arizona and Texas all have statewide drug formularies; states including Massachusetts, Indiana, Pennsylvania and New York are currently considering or developing formularies.

Mitchell Article

Understanding Predictive Analytics For Workers' Compensation Data Analysis

February 21, 2018

As technology evolves, several key ideas continue to permeate our conversations. One of the most exciting topics in 2018 is the application of predictive analytics in insurance and claims handling in particular. Unlike many of the broader terms in the industry (i.e. artificial intelligence, big data and InsureTech), predictive analytics has specific and practical workflow applications today and continues to be an industry game changer.

Genex Blog

A Look Back at 40 Years

January 31, 2018

Whether good or bad, most people see turning age 40 as a major milestone. But when a successful company hits the Big 4-0, it’s definitely a cause for celebration.

genex Article

CMS Commercial Repayment Center (CRC) Contractor Transition

January 22, 2018

Keep current with new legislation and its potential effect on your organization. This regulatory update is for informational purposes only, and provides some key highlights on state initiatives that may impact the Medicare Set-Aside services Genex provides.

Mitchell Article

Survey Results: The Future of Technology in Workers’ Compensation

January 22, 2018

The workers’ compensation industry in general has been conservative about adopting new technologies. However, as we start 2018, it is clear that technology is going to play an even bigger role in our market than ever. In fact, with rising health care costs, changing regulations and the need to create operational efficiencies, the industry cannot afford to not adopt these new technologies.

Mitchell Article

Artificial Intelligence: 7 Tips for Success

January 17, 2018

News and predictions about how artificial intelligence will shape the insurance industry are popping up almost every day. The infographic below highlights seven tips for working with artificial intelligence, including limitations, opportunities and emerging trends that you should keep in mind to better position yourself (and your company) for success.

Mitchell Article

Reflecting on 2017: Predictions for 2018 in Workers’ Compensation

January 11, 2018

The famous author and anthropologist Edward Weyer, Jr. once said, “The future is like a corridor into which we can see only by the light coming from behind.” As we look to see what is coming in workers’ compensation policy in 2018, our best predictions are illuminated by recent policy activity. Here is what we believe will be the big issues in workers’ compensation for 2018.