Celebrating Nurses Month
When we received a note from Julie Vernum, a Manager for the Coventry Field Case Managers, regarding Deborah Clough-Gitchell, who reports to Julie, we couldn’t wait to share it with our readers.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Cases in WC [Recording]
This course will focus on post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition characterized by intense fear, helplessness or horror as result of extreme trauma exposure.
Courage to Carry on During COVID
In this week’s edition of Genex Works: Moving Claims Forward, we see how a field case manager’s calming presence helps an injured employee continue his recovery progression despite his fears. An injured employee was scheduled for arthroplasty of the right knee due to extensive osteochondral lesions that developed following a previous knee surgery that caused catching, clicking, and locking of the joint.
Introducing Networks 2.0: Part One
Most discussions about the state of U.S. health care quickly lead to a simple but grim diagnosis: The system is broken. The evidence abounds and it’s compelling. The U.S. spends more per capita than any other country yet often produces only lackluster outcomes. Access to care can be poor. Even average life expectancy, which notched steady gains for decades, has ticked lower in recent years.
The Future of Technology in Work Comp: 2020 Survey Results
We wanted to know: What does the industry think is next in workers’ compensation and how will technology affect our industry in 2020 and beyond? How does the outlook for technology in our industry compare to the industry’s perspective in 2017, when Mitchell conducted a similar survey? To find out, we conducted a survey of about 100 workers’ compensation industry professionals.
Stop by ‘Any Time’ Medical Care
As her power of attorney for medical care, Mom requested I accompany her to her doctor’s visit so that I could hear details about her intended treatment plan. Mom was 74 years old with a lot of medical conditions that required constant monitoring. I anticipated there would be a lot of coordination between the multiple providers. When Mom came dressed stunningly in full regalia with necklace, earrings, perfume, and perfectly quaffed hair, I suspected this wasn’t going to be an average doctor’s visit.
Webinar: Keeping Claims on Track During COVID-19
Case management provides a crucial role in keeping claims on track and achieving return to work or maximum medical improvement.