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Workers' Comp Article

Look for a Broken Spirit, Not Just a Broken Bone


When someone gets hurt on the job, the workers’ compensation system is often adept at zeroing in on an injury and delivering timely care. But that well-intentioned focus on a patient’s physical bruises can make it easy to miss the mental ones, which might be harder to spot. Today, a comprehensive approach that identifies and meets an injured employee’s needs is more important than ever because the coronavirus pandemic is blanketing everyday life with added stresses that threaten to imperil an employee's recovery.

Genex Blog

Adapting to life in quarantine

Video options seem to be cropping up everywhere. More people are turning to video chat to stay in touch and provide some of the social interaction that many are missing.

Workers' Comp Article

A Team Approach to Building a Better Return-to-Work Program


Employers who develop a highly structured return-to-work program have seen significant reductions in the number of lost time days due to workplace injury. In developing and implementing these programs, case managers play a highly important role in ensuring their success. In today’s Inside Workers’ Comp, Judy Meyer, MBA, RN, CCM, AIC, utilization manager for Genex Services, explains how her program works.

Workers' Comp Article

Ask the Pharmacist: Are Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Useful in Management of Chronic Pain?


Concern about mounting opioid overdoses continued in 2020, and found the workers’ compensation and auto casualty industries in search of ways to mitigate opioid risks while still addressing the pai

Genex Blog

Harnessing the Power of Case Management to Succeed in 2021

As you may be aware, Mitchell, Genex and Coventry have recently combined their joint industry expertise and advanced technology solutions into one organization to simplify and optimize property, ca

Workers' Comp White Paper

Mental Health Challenges


To achieve the best outcomes and get someone back to work with minimal delay, it’s wise to focus on the whole person, including whatever mental-health toll the episode might be exacting.

Genex CE Webinar

IMEs, Case Management and Peer Review [Recording]

Independent medical examinations (IMEs) are designed to clarify clinical and case issues in workers’ compensation, disability or liability associated cases.