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genex Article

StateWatch: Bill Review February/March 2019

March 1, 2019

Keep current with new legislation and its potential effect on your organization. This regulatory update is for informational purposes only, and provides some key highlights on state initiatives that may impact the bill review services Genex provides.

Genex Blog

Demystifying the MSA

February 28, 2019

The Medicare Set‑Aside (MSA) is often used by payers to fund future accident-related treatment in workers' comp settlements.

Mitchell Article

State-Mandated Formulary Implementation: Four Key Considerations

February 25, 2019

The state-mandated formulary wave is poised to continue in 2019. In just the first month of the year, an additional three states published draft or final formulary rules (New York, Montana and Kentucky). These laws provide guidance on the prescribing of medications to injured workers and are effective in addressing major workers’ compensation issues.

Coventry White Paper

Worksite Crisis Response

February 19, 2019

You don’t have to be physically injured to suffer a mental blow.

Mitchell Article

Directed Pharmacy Care Drives Positive Results

February 1, 2019

Various issues in the workers’ compensation industry continue to challenge pharmacies, payers, regulators and injured workers alike. One major tool to alleviate problems in the workers’ compensation system is the use of directed care in a pharmacy setting. Learn how this approach can improve outcomes for all involved in the pharmacy portion of a workers’ compensation claim.

Mitchell Article

Five Inevitable Technologies That Will Transform the Claims Process

January 15, 2019

The other day while FaceTiming with my daughter who is away at college, I was reminiscing about my own time away at college. While I was at school, I wrote hand-written letters back home every week to keep in touch with my family. I called home every other week, but rationed my time on the phone since I was paying long distance phone charges.

Genex CE Webinar

Knee and Shoulder Injuries and Surgical Intervention [Recording]

Learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of common workplace injuries that cause knee and shoulder pain.