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Business Insurance Article

View From The Top: Alex Sun

January 3, 2023

Alex Sun took the helm as CEO of San Diego-based Enlyte LLC in 2021, when it was formed through the merger of three companies in the workers compensation sector: Coventry Workers Comp Services, Genex Services LLC and Mitchell International Inc.

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Prescriptions for High Drug Costs


Drugs prices continue to drive higher claims costs.

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IME Best Practices


This IME course is designed to give claims handling professionals best practices when requesting IMEs, from selecting the right provider and knowing jurisdictional requirements to the importance of

Mitchell Article

Ask The Pharmacist: Anti-Seizure Medications for Pain Management in Workers’ Compensation

December 21, 2022

Opioids are often prescribed for moderate-to-severe pain, and while opioids can be highly effective medications, they can also be associated with negative effects including the potential for abuse and addiction.

Auto Casualty Podcast

2022 Midterm Elections – Takeaways That Will Impact Comp and Auto in 2023

December 15, 2022

It’s been a month since the midterm elections, and while most Americans, except for Georgians, enjoyed a break from political ads, it took a little longer for every vote to be counted to determine

Genex White Paper

Are You Dazed and Confused When It Comes to Behavioral Health IMEs?

December 8, 2022

Independent medical exams (IMEs) are a valuable tool for challenging claims.

Watch On-Demand CE Webinar

Case Management: Building Trust Through Advocacy


This online seminar is designed to assist claims handlers, employers and case managers in developing an understanding of the importance of establishing trust with injured employees.