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PRIMA Article

The Impact of Resilience on Recovery from Injury or Illness

November 22, 2022

A key component of resilience is optimism, a hopeful, positive outlook on the future and the world around us.

Mitchell Article

Ask The Pharmacist: Traveling With a Controlled Substance Prescription Medication

November 18, 2022

Are there rules or recommendations for traveling with a controlled substance?

Genex Article

Top 20 Reasons to Consider an Independent Medical Exam

November 4, 2022

Independent Medical Exams (IMEs) can be a highly effective tool for looking at what is happening on a claim and help provide a strategy for timely and cost-effective claim resolution.

genex Article

When to Place a Referral for Field Case Management

November 3, 2022

Genex takes the guesswork out of when to refer a case and helps get your injured employees on the road to recovery and return to work.

Workers' Comp Article

What's in Your Medicine Cabinet?

November 3, 2022

How many of us have medicine cabinets where we store our “you never know” items? We routinely pick up cough drops and syrups, adult and child variations of over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, muscle creams, bandages, even some essential oils for good measure, because, you never know when you might need something.

PC 360 Article

The Complex Landscape Surrounding High-Impact Drugs & Workers' Comp

November 1, 2022

Drugs such as topicals and combo packs see low utilization but carry exponentially higher costs.

Mitchell Article

Ask The Pharmacist: Safe Drug Disposal Methods in Workers’ Compensation

October 20, 2022

Often prescribed for moderate-to-severe pain, opioids can be highly effective medications, they can also be associated with serious risks including the potential for abuse and addiction. Patients may not be aware of the dangers of keeping unused opioids in the home and the importance of safe disposal of these medications.