Looking for Coventry? You're in the right place! All of the great Coventry network solutions you know - and many additional offerings - are now available here at enlyte.com.
Coventry State-Certified Managed Care Plans
Plans Tailored For You
Designed to control medical costs and enhance return-to-work outcomes while providing top-tier quality of care.
State-Specific SolutionsState-Specific Solutions
Fully Bundled or Network Only—It’s Your Choice
Many states allow certified network programs designed to closely manage workers’ compensation injuries and costs. Our certified networks manage medical costs and return-to-work outcomes without compromising quality of care. In addition, Coventry monitors legislative and regulatory changes in these states to ensure continued compliance and identify opportunities for program enhancements and modifications.
Fully Bundled Program
In our fully bundled programs, we can act as the certified entity or support your own certification by supplying all the services required under the state regulations. We provide fully bundled services in Arkansas (MCO), California (MPN), Connecticut (MCP), Florida (MCA), Georgia (MCO), Illinois (PPP), Kentucky (MHCP), New Hampshire (MCO), New Jersey (MCO), New York (PPO), Oklahoma (CWMP), South Dakota (CMP), Texas (HCN), and West Virginia (MHCP).
Network-Only Program
In our network-only programs, we provide all appropriate network documentation to support your certification. We provide network-only services in Arkansas (MCO), California (MPN), Connecticut (MCP), Florida (MCA), Georgia (MCO), Illinois (PPP), Kentucky (MHCP), Massachusetts (PPA), New Hampshire (MCO), New Jersey (MCO), Oklahoma (CWMP), Texas (HCN), and West Virginia (MHCP).
State-Certified Managed Care Plan Best Practices
Coventry State-Certified Managed Care Plans
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Need Network Solutions That Will Deliver Better Total Care and Cost Outcomes?
To help you achieve the outcomes you are aiming for, we offer a FREE consultation with a workers’ comp network expert. Together, we will determine the network solutions that best meet your needs.