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Mitchell Article

Average Length of Rental for Repairable Vehicles: Q4 2019

March 9, 2020

Average Length of Rental (LOR) for Q4 2019 landed at 13.1 days in the United States, an increase of 0.4 days compared to Q4 2018. Once again, there was very little consistency between regions and states or with Q3’s numbers. The Southwest region produced the largest increase at 0.8 days with average LOR ranging from a high of 14.5 days in the Mountain region to a low of 11.7 in the Pacific. At the state level, Rhode Island, Colorado and Wyoming were the high-end outliers at 16.1, 15.7 and 14.9 days, respectively, while North Dakota and Iowa produced the lowest numbers with both at 10.5 days.

Mitchell Article

Market Trends Continue to Show Signs of Increasing Acceptance of Electrification

March 9, 2020

Electric Vehicle (EV) sales did not continue the fast-paced growth seen in 2018 with the release of Tesla’s Model 3, but expert and consumer sentiments are pointing toward a bright near-term future for this industry-disrupting segment. Deloitte’s recently released 2020 Global Automotive Consumer Study shows that of the US consumers surveyed, 41% would prefer an alternative energy (non-internal combustion engine or ICE) vehicle for their next purchase.1 This figure is up from 29% in 2019 and 20% in 2018.

Auto Casualty Article

How to Better Review Costly Hospital, Emergency Room and Other Medical Bills for Third Party Claims

March 9, 2020

Motor vehicle accidents led to more than 2.5 million emergency department visits in 2017, according to the CDC’s most recent estimates. Emergency room and other hospital visits can be costly for insurance carriers, as facility charges are some of the highest fees that carriers face when paying for medical treatments related to auto accidents.

Workers' Comp Article

Health Literacy’s Impact on Delayed Recovery

March 9, 2020

This article is authored by guest blogger, Mariellen Blue, National Director of Case Management, Genex Services. Workers’ compensation professionals are seeing delayed recovery as an increased challenge in claims—as injured employees may not be progressing along a medically reasonable and expected time frame. However, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly why the delay is occurring in order to address the issue.

genex Article

New York Workers' Compensation Board says NO to Medicare hold harmless language in Section 32 Waiver Agreements

March 6, 2020

Keep current with new legislation and its potential effect on your organization. This regulatory update is for informational purposes only, and provides some key highlights on state initiatives that may impact the Medicare Set-Aside services Genex provides.

Genex Virtual Event

Webinar: Aging Workforce, Medication Safety and Cyber Security


Over the past 10 years, workers' compensation claim frequency has been steadily decreasing, but at the same time, severity has been on the rise and generally outpacing the decline in frequency.

Genex CE Webinar

Practical Guidance to Improve Your Bottom Line Through IMEs [Recording]

Rising healthcare costs continue to put a pinch on employer budgets.


Technology and Expertise Driving Better Claims Outcomes

Mitchell simplifies and accelerates claims management and collision repair processes through the broadest range of technology solutions, networks, and partners in the P&C industry.

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Helping Injured Workers Get Better, Faster.

Genex helps injured employees return to their jobs in a safe and efficient manner through compassionate case management while reducing total claim cost.

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