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Auto Casualty Article

Strategies for Adapting to an Evolving Workforce

January 17, 2023

The Great Resignation and the move to remote work has forever changed the way we work, as well as the profile of our workforce. This will require employers to rethink everything from health and safety on the job, to new technology that makes training, onboarding and prioritizing easier.

Genex Article

How Personalized Care Leads to Faster Recovery Times

January 17, 2023

Understanding the social determinants of health and taking a more personalized approach to understand an injured employees’ life circumstances can help them recover faster.

Mitchell Conference

Mobile Tech Expo 2023

Mobile Tech Expo is January 26-28, 2023 in Orlando, Florida. The event invites both professional and novices in the detailing and PDR industry to experience world-class seminars from industry leaders, demonstrations, competitions, expo deals from top industry companies, and networking opportunities.

Mitchell Article

Taking Charge: How EVs are Impacting Auto Insurance and Collision Repair

January 17, 2023

Electric vehicles (EVs) are making the transition from novelty to necessity. As EV adoption continues to grow, auto insurers and collision repairers must prepare for the impact on claims processes and costs.

Mitchell Article

Claims Automation: Separating Fact From Fiction

January 17, 2023

As an industry, we are just beginning to reconcile initial expectations with the current state of claims automation. So what better time to evaluate our progress and the road ahead?

Workers' Comp Article

Ask The Pharmacist: Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP)

January 13, 2023

Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) are electronic databases designed to track and monitor controlled substance dispensing. These databases are run at the state level, and the main intent of such programs is to screen for suspected drug diversion (i.e., using drugs for illegal purposes such as selling prescribed medications for profit) and abuse.

Risk & Insurance Article

If Over-the-Counter Meds Are Prolonging Pain, What Does This Mean for Workers’ Comp?

January 10, 2023

Is it time to change our relationship to NSAIDs, like Advil? What are the alternatives?


Technology and Expertise Driving Better Claims Outcomes

Mitchell simplifies and accelerates claims management and collision repair processes through the broadest range of technology solutions, networks, and partners in the P&C industry.

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Helping Injured Workers Get Better, Faster.

Genex helps injured employees return to their jobs in a safe and efficient manner through compassionate case management while reducing total claim cost.

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