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Auto Casualty Conference

Connected Claims USA Summit

Connected Claims USA Summit 2018 will feature Mitchell’s President and CEO, Alex Sun, in a plenary session focused on Technology T

Workers' Comp Article

Audit, Audit, Audit: Why You Should Further Scrutinize Workers’ Compensation Bills

December 1, 2017

It’s very easy for payors to end up overpaying on medical bills. Auditing – a crucial but often forgotten or under-executed part of the claims process – can help payors identify questionable billing practices and prevent overpayment on workers’ compensation claims.

Genex Blog

Robocop Talks About Run for Sheriff and Upcoming NWCDC Session

November 30, 2017

In this edition of Workers’ Comp, we catch up with “Robocop” Romero who talks about his run for county sheriff and previews his NWCDC session with Genex Branch Manager Trish Elizalde next week.

Mitchell Article

Making Recall Data Available When it’s Most Valuable: At the Time of a Vehicle Repair

November 30, 2017

Today there are tens of millions of vehicles driven on roads all across the United States that have open recalls for safety systems or other non-safety issues. As a US Federal agency, the National Highway Transportation Safety Agency, NHTSA, regulates the safety of motor vehicles and related equipment. It lies within their jurisdiction to issue vehicle safety standards and require manufacturers to recall vehicles and equipment that have safety-related defects.

Auto Casualty Article

Global Surgical Package Fraudulent Billing

November 29, 2017

Sometimes the most innocuous conversations with family, friends and coworkers can lead to a major finding for medical billing fraud. Take the example of simply talking to your coworker in the next cube about a suspicious provider billing situation. To your surprise, you find out your coworker is having the same suspicion about the same provider on other auto first party claims. What ends up happening is a pervasive situation of intentional fraud uncovered by one conversation. This is exactly what occurred in identifying “Global Surgical Package Fraudulent” billing scenarios.

Mitchell Article

Average Length of Rental for Repairable Vehicles: Q3 2017

November 28, 2017

Average Length of Rental (LOR) for Q3 2017 landed at 12.1 days in the United States, an increase of just 0.2 days compared to Q3 2016. This is a continuation of the general course throughout the calendar year, although a few months produced measurable increases. Once again, there was very little consistency between regions and states, suggesting that the quarterly result for the U.S. is not reflective of a genuine national trend.

Mitchell Article

Motor Vehicle Markets: Q3 2017

November 26, 2017

Average wholesale prices in October were down only modestly month-over-month and were up year-over-year, bolstered by lingering impacts from hurricanes Harvey and Irma.


Technology and Expertise Driving Better Claims Outcomes

Mitchell simplifies and accelerates claims management and collision repair processes through the broadest range of technology solutions, networks, and partners in the P&C industry.

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Helping Injured Workers Get Better, Faster.

Genex helps injured employees return to their jobs in a safe and efficient manner through compassionate case management while reducing total claim cost.

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