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Workers' Comp Case Study

Next Stop = Return to Work

May 23, 2018

catastrophic Case Management Meet Wendy Daney, BSN, RN, CCM Wendy Daney, BSN, RN, CCM, is a dedicated nurse case manager with more than 20 years’ ex

Workers' Comp Case Study

Walking Toward Function

May 23, 2018

Field Case Management Meet Rachel Boughter, RN, BSN, CCM   A case manager at Genex for 12 years, Rachel Boughter is known for her excellent critical

Workers' Comp Case Study

On the Right Track

May 23, 2018

Field Case Management Meet Mary Aydt, RN, MS, CRRN  With more than 30 years of experience as a Genex case manager, Mary Aydt, RN, MS, CRRN, is a ren

Coventry Blog

A Look at the Foundation of Work Comp Pharmacy Trends

May 22, 2018

We are excited to kick off this blogging effort by discussing the workers’ compensation trends we have identified in our 2017 annual Drug Trends Series and to dig into some of the key drivers behin

Mitchell Article

Sensors in Claims: How To Reduce Workplace Injuries

May 21, 2018

We live in world where almost anything can become or have associated with it a sensor that informs a broader system designed to make the world around us more intelligent, convenient, and very often safer. Consider the Fitbit: according to the company, more than 25 million people worldwide actively used their devices in 2017.

genex Article

StateWatch: Bill Review May 2018

May 12, 2018

Keep current with new legislation and its potential effect on your organization. This regulatory update is for informational purposes only, and provides some key highlights on state initiatives that may impact the bill review services Genex provides.

Mitchell Article

Quarterly Drug Update: Pharmacy Drug Spend

May 9, 2018

CompPharma's 2018 Annual Survey of Prescription Drug Management in Workers' Comp found that, in the past eight years, drug spend has decreased 31.5% among those surveyed in workers’ compensation. Part of this is due to increased focus on dangerous opioid prescribing behaviors and the implementation of state-mandated formularies. Opioid spend has decreased for the same group by around 18.22% in the past year and payers and PBM’s have been able to reduce opioid spend by about one third in the last two years.