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Mitchell Article

Tips for Keeping Insurance Professionals Engaged While Working Remotely [Infographic]

July 13, 2020

As the global workforce trends towards remote work environments, employers need to learn how to navigate a new normal. Supervisors are now responsible for remote workforce management, which comes with its own set of unique challenges and opportunities. If your team has recently started working remotely, several key tips and strategies will help you encourage productivity and keep your teams on task.

Genex CE Webinar

IME: Tools to Determine Return to Work Status [Recording]

This course will discuss tools and services available to assist the case manager and adjuster identify and understand the uses and hinderances of IMEs to perform the ultimate goal of returning the

genex Blog

How QA Can Make or Break Your IME

July 1, 2020

The independent medical exam is a valuable tool to move claims forward. But even the slightest error in the review process can make a big difference. In today’s Inside Workers’ Comp, Donna Bradshaw, vice president of IME services at Genex, explains why a strong quality assurance (QA) program is vital to any IME service.

Mitchell Article

How COVID-19 Presumption Laws Might Affect the Workers' Compensation Industry

June 30, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the discussion of presumption laws to the forefront, as states examine whether workers’ compensation should cover workers if they contract COVID-19 on the job. Many states have passed legislation or executive orders requiring insurers to cover essential workers who test positive for the virus. Depending on the state, the definition of “essential worker” might be limited to just healthcare and frontline workers, or it may include a wide range of occupations.

genex Article

New CMS Section 111 Reporting Alert

June 18, 2020

Keep current with new legislation and its potential effect on your organization. This regulatory update is for informational purposes only, and provides some key highlights on state initiatives that may impact the Medicare Set-Aside services Genex provides.

Mitchell Article

COVID-19 Effects on Workers’ Compensation Technologies

June 18, 2020

There is no shortage of information discussing how the COVID-19 pandemic has already changed the world as we knew it. Statista reports that the majority of Americans have significantly changed their lifestyles, with 75% reporting they’re staying home more, 54% traveling less and 51% shopping online more.

Genex White Paper

Increase Your IME IQ [eBook]

June 11, 2020

Are you getting the greatest value from your independent medical examinations (IMEs)? When faced with uncertainty about specific determinations on a case, an IME can be requested to help