Workers' Comp

The Top 6 Uses for Diagnostic Imaging in Workers’ Comp

October 30, 2023

Diagnostic imaging serves as a foundational step in the workers’ compensation process, playing a pivotal role in enhancing outcomes for both injured employees and employers. From providing crucial insights into the nature and severity of injuries to guiding targeted treatment plans, imaging is integral to facilitating informed decision making and optimizing an effective return-to-work process.

In workers’ compensation diagnostic imaging is used to:
  1. Evaluate many parts and organs » Provides non-invasive views of internal structures, aiding health care professionals in assessing injuries and detecting hidden or complex issues not visible by other means.
  2. Determine treatment options » Comprehensive insights enable health care professionals to make informed treatment decisions, reducing delays and promoting faster recovery for injured employees.
  3. Evaluate damage and rule out problems » Minimizes the need for invasive procedures and exploratory surgeries offering a clearer understanding of injuries, thus reducing employee discomfort, medical costs and potential complications.
  4. Determine if treatment has been successful » Early detection and accurate diagnosis enable swift implementation of effective treatment plans, potentially shortening hospital stays and reducing medical costs and employee absences.
  5. Determine whether an injury is work related » Accurate imaging data validates claims, speeding up workers’ comp case processing, benefiting injured employees with prompt support and streamlining administrative processes for employers and payers, reducing disputes.
  6. Evaluate return to work strategies » Empowers decision makers to make informed decisions about when an injured employee is qualified to work, evaluate if and when they can go back to work or determine if modified duty is an option.

Diagnostic imaging plays a pivotal role in the process, acting as a catalyst for efficiency, effectiveness and empathy that ultimately benefits both employees and employers. To learn more about the imaging services we coordinate and the scheduling process at Apricus, please refer to our eBook, "Workers’ Compensation Beyond the Surface: A Deeper Look into Diagnostic Imaging."

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