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Mitchell Article

Implications of Epidiolex FDA Approval on Workers' Compensation

September 5, 2018

In June 2018, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved Epidiolex, the first plant-derived cannabinoid medicine in the United States. With several states already moving toward legalization of medical marijuana, this is a major step for the federal government.

Mitchell Article

Using Integrated Solutions to Help Improve The Workers Compensation Claim Process

August 24, 2018

From the moment an injury occurs, to the day an injured worker returns to work, the journey a workers’ compensation claim may take is complex, involving numerous parties and diverse jurisdictional requirements.

Mitchell Article

Improving Outcomes in the Face of Natural Disasters

August 8, 2018

Throughout the year, various natural disasters grip the United States, from devastating hurricanes to massive wildfires. In response, many regions often declare states of emergency to provide relief to those affected by the disasters. Beyond the damage to the environment, personal property and most importantly, people, the impact of natural disasters often reverberates throughout the workers’ compensation industry.

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Mitchell Article

How Pharmacy Management Drives Better Claims Outcomes

July 6, 2018

When we look at the entire claim lifecycle, many important points stand out along the way. What type of care is the injured worker receiving? What support does he or she have throughout? What successes or problems occurred at various steps? When a claim is prolonged for many months and even years, it can be difficult to see the whole picture.

Mitchell Article

How to Strategically Develop a Strong PBM Partnership

June 5, 2018

Building a strong partnership with your pharmacy benefit manager is vital to creating better outcomes. A business can take two main approaches to its relationship with its workers’ compensation pharmacy benefit manager (PBM): as either a vendor or a partner.

Mitchell Article

Improving Date of Injury Outcomes with Pharmacy Management

June 1, 2018

Workers’ compensation claims can extend many months or even years from date of injury until closure. This can make it difficult to pinpoint the most impactful moments of action. In retrospect, we can often see where improvements could have been made, whether that is intervening in the injured workers’ recovery or partnering with companies that set you up for claims success.