Workers' Comp

Utah Broadens Physician Dispensing with Exceptions

November 14, 2022

The Utah Legislature passed HB 301 during the 2022 General Legislative Session. HB 301 broadens the scope of practice law to allow physicians to dispense medications. Due to the work of the Mitchell Pharmacy Solutions government affairs team, the legislation includes language prohibiting physicians from dispensing to workers’ compensation and auto insurance claimants unless the physician is contracted with a managed pharmacy network. The language in the bill states:

“A dispensing practitioner may not make a claim against workers' compensation or automobile insurance for a drug dispensed under this part for outpatient use unless the dispensing practitioner is contracted with a pharmacy network established by the claim payor.” 

The legislation was signed by Governor Cox and took effect on May 5, 2022.

A copy of the legislation can be found HERE.

If you have any questions about this alert, please contact your client services manager.