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Auto Glass Week
This year’s Auto Glass Week is in San Antonio, Texas, inviting industry leaders to com
CARSTAR National Conference
The CARSTAR National Conference 2022 is an event hosted by North America’s largest premier network of independently owned and operated collision re
Workers' Comp
News Release
New York State Workers’ Compensation Board Proposes Pharmacy Rule Change
The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) has proposed additional language to 12 NYCRR 440.8 (c) dealing with pharmacy notification.
Charged for Success: Understanding EV Trends and Their Impact
Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) grew by 85 percent in 2021 while sales of light-duty vehicles increased by just 3 percent over the same period.
Workers' Comp
Examining the National Patchwork of Marijuana Laws
Workers' Comp
Dave Torrence Gives His Perspective on the Benefits of Bringing Technology, Clinical and Networks Together
Combined resources and services across three industry-leading businesses into Enlyte has sparked innovation, improved the client experience and pro