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Workers' Comp
Best Practices for Supporting Mental Health in Comp
There’s a heightened awareness in our industry on how psychosocial factors impact an injured employee’s recovery.
Workers' Comp
Channeling Your Inner Resilience to Foster Return to Work and Productivity
How peak recovery mindset can make the difference in return-to-work outcomes No one is without misfo
News Release
Business Insurance: Mental health front and center in comp claims
Mental health treatment, once avoided in workers' compensation claims that did not involve a compensable psychological injury, is now on the
News Release
Business Insurance: Early intervention and treatment best practice for psych claims
More than a dozen states have laws that make mental injuries compensable under certain conditions, and the workers' compensation industry is
Workers' Comp
Exploring the Psych Effects of COVID and Emergence of PTSD in Comp
News Release
Genex Services Becomes Ticket to Work Provider
Social Security Initiative supports and protects people with disabilities who want to reenter workforce