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Workers' Comp
Top 5 Opioid Medication Trends in 2019
2019 yielded another year of declines in both opioid utilization and cost.
CE Webinar
Ethics: Fraud and Abuse in Claims Management [Recording]
Course participants will learn how to identify and prevent fraud as it pertains to case managers, adjusters and claims managers in workers' compens
News Release
Workers' Comp Data: Healthcare Industry Sector is the Source of the Majority of COVID-19 Claims
News Release
Bebrick Collision Care Center—Three Generations of Quality OEM Repairs
Dennis Smith II has been in the collision repair business his entire life ... and that's no exaggeration.
Workers' Comp
Utilizing Health and Behavioral Coaching Tools to Promote Wellness & Injury Recovery
Nearly 50% of all adults have at least one chronic condition such as arthritis, high blood pressure, obesity, cardiovascular d
News Release
Mitchell I Genex Finalizes Coventry Workers' Comp Services Acquisition
San Diego, CA, and Wayne, PA—Mitchell | Genex, a leading provider of cost containment technology, clinical services, and disabilit