Workers' Comp

AM Best: COVID-19 Influence on Workers' Compensation Could Be a Lasting Market Changer

April 14, 2020

AM Best's News Service interviewed Mitchell's Michele Hibbert-Iacobacci about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the workers' compensation industry for the article, “COVID-19 Influence on Workers' Compensation Could Be a Lasting Market Changer.”

In the interview, Mitchell's senior vice president of regulatory compliance management explained the potential for long-term impacts of the novel coronavirus on workers' compensation and described how the regulatory environment is shifting due to the public health crisis.

"'I don't see us going backward,' she said. ‘I think we only have to go forward and investigate' possible benefits from changing working conditions such as working from home and telemedicine.'"

To read more, download a PDF of the A.M. Best article here.

©A.M.Best—used with permission.