Why Your Bodily Injury Adjusters Are Overloaded with Work, Hint: You Might Be Asking Them to Focus on the Wrong Things
Workload is the number one cause of stress in the workplace, when compared with other factors including people issues, work-life balance and lack of job security, according to Statista. Overworked employees can lead to stress and burnout, which ultimately has a negative effect on an organization’s bottom line, since it can lead to a decrease in productivity, more potential for mistakes and higher turnover rates.
Ineffective Liability and Injury Assessment: Causes and Effects
The cost of automobile accidents has risen significantly over the past few years. From 2015 to 2017, bodily injury loss costs increased by 12.4 percent, property damage by 11.4 percent and personal injury protection by 6.4 percent, according to the Insurance Information Institute. In comparison, consumer prices rose 3.4 percent overall over that same time range.
Legal Nurse Review Explained
Legal Nursing is defined as a registered nurse with specialized knowledge and experience in nursing as well as education and experience in medical-legal issues. These professionals assist in providing direction on a file through their knowledge, education and experience. The Legal Nurse will interpret the information in the records, provide insight and education to the referral source and develop a report designed to mitigate the claim.
Five Inevitable Technologies That Will Transform the Claims Process
The other day while FaceTiming with my daughter who is away at college, I was reminiscing about my own time away at college. While I was at school, I wrote hand-written letters back home every week to keep in touch with my family. I called home every other week, but rationed my time on the phone since I was paying long distance phone charges.
Guidewire Connections 2019
Guidewire Connections is the conference for people who u
5 Steps to an Optimized Third Party Liability Claim Workflow
Third party liability claims present unique difficulties for insurance carriers, as pressures from rising medical expenses, aggressive plaintiff attorneys, and restrictive legislation combine to form a challenging landscape. Many carriers are looking for ways to optimize their third party liability claim workflow for adjusters and claimants alike in an effort to build a competitive advantage and respond to the changing environment.
Mitchell 2019 mPower Conference
Join us for Mitchell’s annual customer gathering, the Mi