Workers' Comp

Integrated PBM Results in Double Digit Savings


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A regional workers' comp carrier had strategies planned with their PBM that the PBM could not operationalize. This locally grown PBM had a long partnership with the client, but they weren't producing the results they wanted. Enlyte later acquired the PBM, which allowed the client to get those solutions in place.


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The success of the ScriptAdvisor solution sparked the client's interest in exploring Enlyte’s bill review program. An integrated program ensures there is 100% clinical oversight on all pharmacy transactions. Consolidating the program made sure each bill is filtered the same way through a consistent process.


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The integrated program resulted in increased year-over-year savings—17% increase in pharmacy savings and 9% increase in bill review savings.


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17% increase in pharmacy savings


9% increase in bill review savings


Having the bill review and the ScriptAdvisor programs integrated gives enormous ease of use.

—VP Claim Operations, Regional Workers' Comp Carrier


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