Workers' Comp

Field Case Manager Delivers Significant Medical Savings & Injured Employee Impact


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62-year-old machine operator sustained severe traumatic injury to right arm after arm was caught in the machine. Injured employee underwent multiple surgeries with wound vac. Prolonged inpatient care complicated by remote living. Pre-existing comorbities to include diabetes.

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After careful home assessment, FCM was able to coordinate outpatient care, allowing the injured employee to avoid inpatient rehabilitation. FCM has educated and advocated for appropriate wound care and medication management along with therapy compliance with injured employee and his family.

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Injured employee is recovering well with no complication. The family has been positively impacted by FCM’s role. Cost savings are not complete but currently estimated at $112,000 with avoidance of inpatient rehabilitation.

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 Total Estimated
Savings to Date

Total savings will be
calculated at file closure