Explore key trends in the workers' comp industry from a provider perspective, including provider consolidation, network adequacy, and strategies to address provider shortages for better patient outcomes. Watch our insightful video below with Kate Farley-Agee, VP of Network Product Management for an in-depth analysis.
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Workers' Comp
Vocational Considerations for Referral to Field Case Management
When physical limitations, education, work history, or job-seeking skills pose a hurdle for injured employees, a field case management referral can
Opioids Situation Improves, But Workers’ Comp Pharmacy Faces New Challenges
In workers’ comp pharmacy management, opioids often get the lion’s share of attention, and for good reason.
Risk & Insurance
In the News
It’s Always Something in Workers’ Comp. Enlyte’s Latest Report ID’s Topicals as a Bigger Pharmacy Spend Than Opioids
Managing Crisis Events at the Workplace
Following a crisis event, it’s normal for employees to need time to recover emotionally. Providing employees with the support they need f
Workers' Comp
Specialty Solutions Spotlight: Shortages and Rising Costs Influence on Home Health in Workers’ Comp
How do specialty solutions help injured employees receive home health care despite shortages? When injured employees are struggling with