Explore key trends in the workers' comp industry from a provider perspective, including provider consolidation, network adequacy, and strategies to address provider shortages for better patient outcomes. Watch our insightful video below with Kate Farley-Agee, VP of Network Product Management for an in-depth analysis.
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Workers' Comp
What to Consider When Doctors Dispense in Work Comp
On average 39% of pharmacy spend comes from non-network dispensing channels.
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The Ultimate Guide to Case Management eBook
At Genex, we've always been passionate about advancing the field of case management.
Workers' Comp
Legislative Updates in Workers' Comp: Boosting Industry's Political Voice
In this WCI-TV interview, Brian Allen, VP of Governmental Affairs, offers an update on top regulatory and legislative initiatives that could impact
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Managing PTSD in Workers' Comp: New Regulations & Best Practices - Interview with Tammy Bradly
In this WCI-TV interview, Enlyte’s Tammy Bradly, Senior Director, Clinical Product Marketing, shares why states are implementing new workers’ comp
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Are All Electronic Provider Payment Solutions the Same?