Catastrophic injuries often require life-long medical care and a myriad of supportive services for injured employees. Depending upon life expectancy and injury severity, catastrophic claims can cost millions of dollars over an individual’s lifetime. Periodic comprehensive medical assessments are considered a best practice to ensure the injured employee’s medical needs are being met and to prevent complications from occurring. These comprehensive assessments can occur at the injured employee’s home or long-term care facility. The timing of these assessments will vary based upon the injured employee’s unique needs but should occur at least yearly.
Comprehensive assessments will include:
General triggers for referral include:
- “Plegia” diagnoses
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and head injury diagnoses
- Traumatic amputation diagnoses Home modification requests
- Under the care of two or more physicians
- Any high dollar claims with ongoing treatment needs
Click here to schedule your free case management assessment or call 866.389.2069 to speak with a specialist now. Don't wait – every day counts in the recovery process. Let Enlyte's case management experts start working for you today!