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Ever since the state of Michigan released its new auto no-fault fee schedule legislation, insurance carriers and others in the industry have had a variety of questions to help clarify details of the new law.
Ever since the state of Michigan released its new auto no-fault fee schedule legislation, insurance carriers and others in the industry have had a variety of questions to help clarify details of the new law.
Each quarter, Enlyte publishes its medical price index (MPI), which analyzes Enlyte’s medical bill review professional services charge data for tre
As reported by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) for April 2024, the
Workers' compensation pharmacy is constantly evolving, from tackling the opioid crisis, to the rise of compounding pharmacies, to the pandemic.
Clients face numerous challenges in managing their workers' compensation pharmacy programs including capturing all pharmacy utilization and costs a
Seizing opportunity within the complexities of workers’ comp prescription utilization requires a holistic approach that manages all transactions to