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Workers' Comp
Case Study
2021 Disability Heart of Case Management Award Winner
The Heart of Case Management Award is a national program recognizing case managers who are highly regarded for transcending beyond their traditiona
Workers' Comp
Case Study
2021 Catastrophic Heart of Case Management Award Winners
The Heart of Case Management Award is a national program recognizing case managers who are highly regarded for transcending beyond their traditiona
Workers' Comp
Case Study
2021 Telephonic Heart of Case Management Award Winners
Watch the video and read the cases to learn how T
Workers' Comp
Case Study
2021 Field Heart of Case Management Award Winners
Watch the video and read the cases of our Field Case M
Workers' Comp
White Paper
Reliable Transportation Means Better Injured Employee Outcomes
Workers' Comp
WC injuries in a new and inexperienced workforce
We recently met with Anne Levins, our Senior Vice President of Product Strategy & Analytics at Coventry, to talk about the boom in employe