Workers' Comp

Healing Body and Soul


Telephonic Case Management

Meet Dana Schwartz, RN, CCM

One of the unique advantages a case manager brings to a workers’ comp case is a holistic approach to treatment. This focus on the person, rather than the injury, is how Dana Schwartz has managed to return injured employees back to their jobs safely and efficiently throughout her exceptional 22-year career as a case manager.

The Case

Schwartz was assigned a case involving an injured construction worker who was recovering from a fractured leg. The worker not only struggled overcoming his physical injury but also sobriety, which impacted his use of pain management medications. With no family nearby, the injured employee also had limited support resources when he left the hospital.

Case Management Impact

Schwartz quickly developed a positive relationship with the construction worker, gaining his trust and guiding him through the work comp and post-op rehab process. The injured worker relied on Schwartz as a source of encouragement and support. Through her help, he was able to ween off narcotics and only need acetaminophen for pain management, which allowed him to focus on post-op rehab and return to work.  Schwartz’s long-standing relationship with the employer allowed her to understand their policies on modified duty and return to work.


Schwartz’s skill in working closely with providers helped her keep the treatments on track and obtain an early release that would return the construction worker back to his job ahead of schedule, resulting in a cost savings of $9,153. This case reflects the importance of how case management compassion often leads to positive outcomes.


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